Auto Text Collections

Auto Text Collection
1. Greeting
~~~ヾ(^∇^)おはよー♪ == Good Morning / Ohayou
( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ == Good Evening / Konbanwa
(^-^*)/コンチャ! == Hello / Konnichiwa
オ(・ェ・)ヤ(・ェ-)ス(-ェ・)ミ(-ェ-)。o○Zzz… == Good Night / Oyasuminasai
オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!== Congratulation / Omedeto
(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ == Good Bye / Sayonara
m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ == I’m Sorry / Gomennasai
(*≧▽≦)オハツでっす♪ == Nice to Meet You / Ohatsu
2. Salute (Enter n Exit)
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ タダイマァ == I’m Back or I’m Home / Tadaima
オカエリ ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ == Welcome Back / Okaeri
(ヾ(´・ω・`)いってらっちゃ == See you Later / Itterashai
☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノイッテキマ-ス!! == I’m Going or I’m Heading Off / Ittekimasu
3. Joyful
\(^ ^)/ == I’m Glad / Yorokobu
O(≧∇≦)O == WOW! or Delight / Oo Yorokobii
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!! == Extravagant Laughter / Bakawarai
ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ ^_^)ノ == Dancin or Singing
o(^^o) (o^^)o わくわく == Hope or Expectation / Kitai
4. Sad
(;_・)== I’m Sad / Kanashimu
(ToT)== Cry / Nakui
( ̄へ ̄)== Discontent / Fuman
_| ̄|○ == Feel Down / Ochikomu
~(=^・・^) ヾ(^^ ) ヨシヨシ == Solace / Nagusameru
―(T_T)→ サクッ == Defeat / Make
\(--)/ マイッタ == Give up or Surrender / Oteage
5. Painful
(;´ρ`) グッタリ == Exhausted / Tsukaeru
(*´ο`*)=3 はふぅん == Sigh / Tameiki
☆⌒(>。≪)イタイ == Get Hurt / Itai
6. Anger
(,,#゚ Д゚):∴;’・,;`:ゴルァ!! == Getting Angry / Okoru
ャダヽ(o`皿′o) ノ == No! or Denial / Iya
(  ゚,_ゝ゚)バカジャネーノ == Derive or Mock / Baka
o(>oヽ`、ヽ`シャワー♪ == Bath / Furo
\(o ̄∇ ̄o)/ふあー == Wake Up / Okiru
(_ _)ヾ(‘ロ‘) ペチペチ 起きろ~ == Wake Someone Up / Okosu
(´~`) むにゃむにゃ == Sleepness / Nemuke
[(--)]ZZzzz… == Sleep / Neru

……….. InViTe AlL yOuR fRiEnDs…………

Please..Wait..I am
Loading my self in your Heart
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█████ 40%
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………||.^|=\\\ Beautiful
………))\_-_/ ((\ Intelligent
………)’_/.”.\_`\) Smart
…… /./._.\../…\ Sincere
……/./(_.\x/._).| Kind
……\.\.)”.|/ /./ Adorable
…….\.’…’.. //./ Ideal
……/…….. /./ Naughty
……|….__..\.\ Attractive
……|…/.\…\ / Sweet
……|..|…\.. \ Cute
……|..|….\..\ Unique
……|..|……\..\ Understanding
……|..|…….\..\ &
……|..|……..\..\ a friend of mine
(▒)(▓)(▒)__ ███__ ██████ (░)(▒)(░)
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Download A+ Picture Effects and Photo Editor (Full)

A + Photo Effects Editor Tool is a sophisticated photo editing tool with very friendly user interface.
You can edit, save, and share you picture very easily.
Selecting images that will be edited can be done from the app or from BlackBerry® picture library.
This is the best picture editing app so far!

- basic picture manipulation such as rotate (custom angle), crop, resize or scale, mirror or flip (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)
- basic color manipulation such as adjustment to brightness, contrast, gamma, RGB (Red, Green, Blue) filter, HSB (Hue and Saturation), invert (photo film effect), and sephia / sepia tone
- advanced effects and distortions such as perspective view, twirl, bulge (fat effect), squeeze, blur, bump, painting, comic, toon, noise, stretch filters
- interactive mode. You don’t need to input numbers anymore. Just point and click!
- image preview
- saving image to memory card
- history of actions, so you can undo very easily
- share or post image via Facebook, Twitter via Twitpic, and email

Required Device Software
4.6.0 or higher
Download OTA : Click Here


Download Jingu Apps for BlackBerry

Jingu for BBM is the fun hang out for all things BBM.  Impress your friends with fun emoticons for every occasion OR spice up your BBM profile picture with a cool avatar AND don’t forget our messages zone where you can hang out with other BBM friends in your area and around the world.
We all love BBM, so what are you waiting for?  Jump in – It’s FREE!

Required Device Software
OS 5.0.0 and higher
Download Jingu OTA ( for OS 6 ) : Click Here
Download Jingu OTA ( for OS 5 ) : Click Here


Download BlackBerry ScreenMuncher v2.0.6

Munch your BlackBerry® screen and capture it as an image to share or keep forever! Use it for everything you want to capture – Maps, BBMs, Photos, Facebook pages, Twitter Tweets, Calendars, Game High Scores and more! This funny, cute and useful app then saves your screen Munches – send them to friends or post them on Twitter! Hilarious “MUNCH” sound effect and vibrate happens every time you Munch a screen.
Assign Screen Muncher to a BlackBerry® convenience key and you can easily and quickly Munch ANY screen including your home screen!
To use Screen Muncher:
On any screen other than your home screen you see on your BlackBerry®, just push the BlackBerry® icon key. Choose “Munch Screen” from the menu and select “Email”, “Save” or “Options” button. It’s that simple!
Screenshot : Screen Capture : Print Screen : Snapshot : Screen Shot : Capture
Post Munches to Twitter quickly and easily via TwitPic!
Send the Screen Munch to anyone via email
Save the Screen Munch for later
Change colors
Change & turn off sound
Munch funny or stupid late-night messages to save or share with friends
Munch your favorite Facebook, Twitter, or other social network post, status or pic
Munch your BlackBerry® theme and show it off
Munch a BlackBerry® Messenger conversation
Munch a map view so you can use it later for directions
Munch your calendar and send it to your friends
Munch a game level you’ve achieved or scoreboard you reached
*Requires BlackBerry OS 5 and above.
Download OTA : Click Here


Download BlackBerry Fancy Smiley 1.2.0

Now Smile with Style with Fancy Smiley app! Through this app you can send colored smiles and country flag in BlackBerry® Messenger and unicode characters in EMAIL, SMS, IMs and status messages!
- More than 300 Colored Smiles and over 200 flags for BBM v5.0
- Integrates to any text field
- Supported all Unicode symbols and characters
- Neat category tabs for easy access
- Insert More than 1 Smiley under Multi-Character Mode
1. After App Installation you will see a new application icon. Click on it to make changes to the app.
2. Press Menu button and then click “Insert Fancy Smiley” to access the app.
3. Click on any icon to insert to message
4. If application does not support direct integration then selected character will be stored in clipboard and you can paste it later even on BBM chat!!

Required Device Software
4.6.0 or higher
Download Fancy Smiley : Click Here
Note : Please restart your handheld before running this application !


Download Free Blackberry Apps - Blackberry Backlight Utility

YF8 I often have problems keeping my back light on when I’m waiting for an email to arrive or when I’m reading an e-book. I know I can always jog the wheel up and down but its just a pain to do it when you just want focus your attention on something important.

Here is a simple utility that keeps your backlight on until you want to turn it off.


* Rearrange for sourceforge distribution V1.81 Beta
* Total redesign to accommodate new features:
- Turn light on with User Activity
- Turn light on when device is removed from holster
- Turn light on when external power is applied
- Turn light on at a specific time of day for a certain duration
* Fix bug in APIs with DateField constructor.

Download: Free BlackBerry App


Download Quicklaunch 3.7 blackberry shortcuts

Quicklaunch blackberry freeware software shortcut creator

QuickLaunch is a must-have freeware software application for your blackberry, QuickLaunch creates shortcuts for your most frequent used blackberry applications, and also gives you the possibility to remove not frequent used applications from the devices memory. With QuickLaunch you also get an "auto-fill" option, you can define any own chosen text to appear whenever the "QL auto fill" option is chosen from the menu. Auto filled options are also stored in a secured way.


Chatmosphere IRC v2.0.35 Released

screenshot_6 screenshot_1

Chatmosphere has updated the popular IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Chatfinder app to v2.0.35 this week with a whole slew of updates. This new version revamps the user interface which now really works smoothly on OS 6.0 devices. This new version includes:

screenshot_2 screenshot_3

  • bigger chat area (moved user list to menu key popup)
  • scrolling history (OS6.0 only)
  • better graphics
  • keyed channels
  • registered nicks
  • clickable links
  • missed messages buzz/beep/indicator
  • private message/whois/kick/ignore link on user nick in channel

You can pick up a copy of Chatmosphere in the store or in App World.

Giveaway Details: To celebrate the launch of this revamp we are giving away 25 copies of Chatmosphere for BlackBerry courtesy of Mobile Ventures. All you have to do is leave a comment below before tomorrow Tuesday July 19th at 11:59 EST to be entered to win. Let us know why you want it!

screenshot_4 screenshot_5


Copa America fans Apps for BlackBerry

Copa America

¡Hola mi gente!

Cuando era niño jugaba al fútbol todos los días y me encantaba. Es tiempo de Copa América y ahora me pongo al día con los resultados con estas excelentes aplicaciones.

¡Viva el fútbol!

It is hailed as the most important soccer event in Latin America. Copa America 2011 is happening now through July 24, 2011, and a visit to the BlackBerry App World™ storefront can connect you with the action! Join fans from all over the world as the competition nears its thrilling conclusion, stay up to date with the latest news, and even show allegiance with a little face paint.

Check out these great BlackBerry® smartphone and BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet apps for all Copa enthusiasts and don’t forget to visit our dedicated Futbol for BlackBerry page!

Note: Some of the applications listed below are available in Spanish only. However, we also included some great English and Brazilian Portuguese applications, so don’t fret if you can’t speak Spanish like me!

Scoring Updates with BlackBerry Apps

Copa America*

Copa America

Get all of the stories, scores and stats from the field right on your BlackBerry smartphone virtually anytime and virtually any place! And, if you download Copa America for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, you can watch the games – live – from your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet!

Copa America for BlackBerry smartphones
Copa America for BlackBerry PlayBook tablet

*Only available in Spanish

ScoreMobile FC

ScoreMobile FC

Already a hugely popular sports app – and for good reason – ScoreMobile FC scores a goal with their soccer coverage. You can even track live games with Push Alerts!

ScoreMobile FC for BlackBerry Smartphones (English)
ScoreMobile FC for BlackBerry Smartphones (Spanish)

Goal Mobile

Goal Mobile

Free to download, Goal Mobile is designed to provide insider details from across the globe on football leagues, players, news and more.

Goal Mobile for BlackBerry Smartphones (English)
Goal Mobile for BlackBerry Smartphones (Spanish)
Goal Mobile for BlackBerry Smartphones (Brazilian Portuguese)

Don’t worry, futbol fans – the all-access footie apps don’t end there! In honor of Copa America 2011, your Inside BlackBerry team has two more great soccer apps, available now for download at BlackBerry App World.

Mundial Sub 17*

Mundial Sub 17

Calling all members of #TeamBlackBerry in Mexico: Download this app for updated scores and news about Mexican Soccer Leagues.

Mundial Sub 17 for BlackBerry PlayBook tablet
*Only available in Spanish

Univision Deportes Futbol

Univision Deportes Futbol

Univision Deportes Futbol is designed to allow you to get all of the photos, news and scores from soccer tournaments and leagues, wherever you are. This app even has a version for your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet!

Univision Deportes Futbol for BlackBerry smartphones
Univision Deportes Futbol for BlackBerry PlayBook tablet

*Only available in Spanish


Ticketmaster for BlackBerry V 2.0 in BlackBerry Beta Zone

ticketmaster Ticketmaster for BlackBerry V 2.0 Now Available in BlackBerry Beta Zone

If you buy your event tickets using TicketMaster, then you might want to check this out! RIM has released an updated version to their Ticketmaster application to BlackBerry Beta Zone members. The application has recieved a nice UI change and has been given some added features. Features like:

  • See a list of featured events
  • Search for specific artists or festivals and get details on upcoming concert/event dates
  • Browse a list of local events based on their selected location
  • Browse list of most popular events from all locations (see what other people are buying)
  • Add artists, venues and teams to their list of favorite artists and be notified when new events are added
  • Manage your user profile used to access both the mobile application and the website
  • View details of events and purchase tickets right from your BlackBerry
  • View your order history

If you use Ticketmaster, then this app is a must have for you! The application is free but only available to users running OS 4.5 or higher and to North America users. You can get it if you’re a BlackBerry Beta Zone user, and if you’re not a member then sign up!

For more information and to download Ticketmaster from BlackBerry Beta Zone


Update from Shape Services Regarding IM+ for the BlackBerry PlayBook

im playbook bb bg1 Update from Shape Services Regarding IM+ for the BlackBerry PlayBook

Just wanted to give you all a quick update on the IM+ for the BlackBerry PlayBook Delay. Our friends at Shape Services has spoken out and here is what they had to say:

Shape’s Development Head Alex and myself just had a talk with Tyler Lessard, RIM’s VP, Global Alliances and Developer Relations.

Tyler was really friendly and helpful and we have now a hope that IM+ for Playbook will be approved within two weeks or so. We understand that to approve such an complex app can take the same time or more as the development of IM+ for Playbook itself. Just as remember, the app is now for two months in the testing queue.

And the best of the talk: after years of our requests to RIM we got from Tyler a promise to consider BlackBerry Push usage for IM+. It would make user experience on the BlackBerry platform the same kind of beautiful like on iOS.

Please continue to follow-up the story, it will really help to make things done. And to celebrate the moment we will offer to our friends from 25 free licenses of IM+ Pro for BlackBerry right now and 25 free licenses of IM+ for Playbook after release.

It is nice to hear that they are making progress on the application making its way to BlackBerry App World for the BlackBerry PlayBook. The Application is one of my favorites and would love to see it on the BlackBerry PlayBook!



Delete Sent Items Without Impacting the Desktop

You may hate seeing the sent items on your BlackBerry. If you delete them one by one, they get deleted from your desktop email client and this is not good.

So, this quick little routine only takes a few seconds to setup, but then it's very quick every time after that.


  1. Go into your messages.
  2. Click the Trackwheel and select Search.
  3. Scroll down and change Show from Sent and Received to Sent Only.
  4. Scroll down and change Type from All to Email.
  5. Click the Trackwheel and select Save.
  6. In the Title, give it a name. Recommended: Sent Only.
  7. For a shortcut key, pick a letter. Recommended: "A".
  8. Click the trackwheel and click Save.
  9. This will now search and pull up all of your sent items. To delete them all without impacting your desktop, highlight the top most date, click the trackwheel, and select Delete Prior.
  10. 10. Now, on a regular basis you simply:
  • Go into messages.
  • press Alt-A.
  • view the sent only items.
  • Click the trackwheel.
  • Select Delete Prior. Done!


How to Communicate With Other Blackberry Users

How to Communicate With Other Blackberry Users

Pin messages are the fastest way to communicate with other Blackberry users via text. This article explains how you can make use of these to communicate with others who own a Blackberry phone.


  1. Be aware that every Blackberry has a specific PIN (personal information number). PIN messages are from Blackberry to Blackberry and the fastest way to communicate via text.
  2. Set the profiles to react differently when receiving PIN messages also know as "Level 1 Messages". If you want to say something to somebody with a Blackberry, but don’t want a copy of it on the email server or their desktop, then you can PIN them.
  3. Look for the receipt notification. When you compose and send a PIN the device will show you that they received it.
  4. Populate your PIN. While composing an email typing “mypin"? will populate your PIN.

Things You'll Need
  • Blackberry phone
  • PIN


How To Unlock BlackBerry Bold 9000

This article will teach you how to retrieve the unlock code and enter it into your Blackberry 9000-series phone AKA BlackBerry Bold so that it may be used with any cellular network SIM card.


Step 1
First, you need to get your Blackberry's IMEI code. This is a unique identifier of your phone, like a serial number. You can access this code from your phone: 1) Turn your phone on. 2) Click on the "Phone" icon. 3) Enter the following symbols: *#06# 4) After entering the final # symbol, a message will appear displaying your IMEI number. It is a 15-digit number in the format XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.X

Step 2
Second, you have to get the unlock code. This can be purchased on the internet, or you may call your cellular provider. Either way, they will ask for the IMEI code which you determined in step one of this tutorial. Move on to step 3 when you have received your unlock code.

Step 3
Follow these instructions exactly to unlock your phone:

  1. Make sure your SIM card is NOT inserted into the device.
  2. Turn on the phone and click the "Manage Connections" icon.
  3. Choose the option "Turn off all connections."
  4. The cellular radio will be turned off.
  5. Go back to the Home screen and click the "Options" icon and select "Advanced Options."
  6. Scroll down and select "SIM Card" from the list.
  7. Press the following keys in order: (M) (E) (P) (E)
  8. A prompt will appear asking for the unlock code. Input the 16-digit code exactly.
  9. Reboot your device.
  10. Re-enable the cellular radio
  1. Be sure to remove the SIM card and disable the cellular radio as instructed.
  2. The unlock code is specific to your IMEI so you cannot use a generic or friend's code.
  3. If you fail to enter the unlock code 5 times, the phone may be permanently locked to your cellular network.


BlackBerry Desktop Software Version 6.0.2 User Guide Now Available!

BlackBerry Desktop Software Version 6.0.2 User Guide Now Available!

Now that the BlackBerry Desktop Software was updated to v6.0.2, I’m sure many of you want to learn about the new version especially since the BlackBerry PlayBook is now supported.. Besides for the release notes RIM also posted an updated user guide for this version of the Desktop Software. For everyone’s convenience, I went ahead and embedded the full user guide below. Check it out and let us know if you find anything interesting in the comments! BlackBerry Desktop Software Version 6.0.2 User Guide


Official User Guide For BlackBerry Messenger Version 6.0 Beta Now Available!

Official User Guide For BlackBerry Messenger Version 6.0 Beta Now Available!

The new beta version of BlackBerry Messenger went live today in the BlackBerry Beta Zone as version With this beta came an updated user guide for BBM, this one covering the 6.0 beta. The user guide includes info on new features and enhancements, a “how to” BBM, how to personalize BBM, shortcuts and more. To learn everything about the 6.0 beta version of BlackBerry Messenger check out the full user guide below!

BlackBerry Messenger 6.0 Beta User Guide


Official User Guide For The BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet Now Available!

Official User Guide For The BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet Now Available!

Now that the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is officially available you can expect RIM to post a lot of documentation for it in the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center (BTSC) but for now only a few are available. One in particular I know many of you will jump on is the official user guide which was released as version 1.0. This user guide covers a lot of things including BlackBerry Bridge, Music, Pictures, Videos, Camera, Browser, Security and more. If you already have a PlayBook or plan on picking one up soon, you should definitely go through this user guide so you learn all there is to know about it. Check it out below!

BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet User Guide v1.0


Official Workaround For Connecting A BlackBerry Smartphone To A PlayBook Using BlackBerry Bridge!

Official Workaround For Connecting A BlackBerry Smartphone To A PlayBook Using BlackBerry Bridge!

BlackBerry Bridge is an app for BlackBerry smartphones that allows you to connect to your BlackBerry PlayBook to get access to your email, calendar, contacts, memo pad, tasks and more. The problem: AT&T blocks usage of BlackBerry Bridge. The solution: use RIM’s official workaround.

That’s right! RIM yesterday published a knowledge base article (KB26699) in the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center (BTSC) offering a workaround for those having a hard time setting up BlackBerry Bridge. If you’re getting any of the following errors, you’ll definitely want to try it out:

  • “Unable to connect BlackBerry® Bridge with BlackBerry smartphone. Please ensure you have BlackBerry Bridge installed on your device and turned on”
  • “Unable to pair with playbook. Try again”
  • “Failed to pair with BlackBerry model”

The workaround involves disconnecting and deleting any current settings and changing some Bluetooth settings. I haven’t had a chance to try this out yet but when I do I’ll leave a comment below and invite anyone else that tries it to also leave a comment with feedback. Check out the full workaround below!


  • BlackBerry® smartphones running BlackBerry 6 OS
  • BlackBerry® PlayBookâ„¢ tablet
  • BlackBerry® Bridge


This is a previously reported issue that is being investigated by our development team. No resolution time frame is currently available.


Delete the paired device on the BlackBerry smartphone and BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.  Attempt to pair again using BlackBery Bridge.

Step 1: Disconnect from BlackBerry Bridge and delete the paired device from the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet:

1. Select the Options icon from the top right corner of the main screen.
2. Select the BlackBerry Bridge item from the left side.
3. Select the Disconnect button from the bottom right side.
4. Select the Bluetooth® menu item from the left side menu from within the Options.
5. Select the Pencil button.
6. Click the Trash icon beside the paired BlackBerry smartphone.

Step 2: Delete a paired Bluetooth enable device

To perform this task, you must first disconnect your BlackBerry device from the Bluetooth enabled device.

1. On the Home screen, click the connections area at the top of the screen, or click the Manage Connections icon.
2. Click Bluetooth Connections.
3. Highlight a paired Bluetooth enabled device.
4. Press the Menu key > Delete Device.

Step 3: Uncheck all Bluetooth Message Services on the BlackBerry device

1. On the BlackBerry device home screen, Click on Options > Network and Connections > Bluetooth Connections
2. Click the Menu key and select MAP Options
3. Uncheck all Email addresses under Message Services
4. Save and exit

Step 4: Remove unused Serial Port Profiles (PlayBook uses the Data Transfer Serial Port Profile)

  1. Open Bluetooth Connections from Manage Connections icon in home screen.
  2. Click the Menu key and select Options
  3. Uncheck unused Serial Port Profile entries except Data Transfer (Desktop Connectivity, SIM Access Profile, Wireless Bypass)
  4. Save and Exit

Step 5: Restart the BlackBery smartphone and BlackBerry PlayBook tablet

1.  Perform a hard reset on the BlackBerry device, KB02141
2.  Perform a hard reset on the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, by holding the Power button for 10 seconds

Step 6: Connect your tablet and smartphone using BlackBerry Bridge

To connect your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet to your BlackBerry smartphone, you need to install the BlackBerry Bridge app on your smartphone.  You can download it from the BlackBerry App World storefront.

1. On your tablet home screen, on the status bar, tab Options icon and select BlackBerry Bridge
2. Tap Setup > Continue
3. In the BlackBerry Bridge app on your smartphone, tap Add Device > Next
4. Point your smartphone camera at the barcode that appears on your tablet to scan the barcode



6 BlackBerry Home Screen Tips That Help Save Time

RIM just sent me an email with some helpful tips for BlackBerry users running OS 6 on their device. Whether this was a previously planned email or a response to complaints about not being able to control with panes are visible on the Home Screen, they’re still useful:

  • To automatically launch Universal Search, start typing or select the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the home screen
  • To add an icon to the Favorites view, select the icon and press and hold the trackpad, then click on Mark as Favorite from the pop-up menu
  • For quick access to Manage Connections, Alarm and Options screens, select the top of the Home Screen
  • To easily view your most recent messages (such as email, text, BlackBerry® Messenger), phone calls, upcoming appointments, Facebook® and Twitter® notifications simply select the Notification Bar directly below the clock on the Home Screen
  • To easily access your contacts, you can add them to the Home Screen:
    • In the Contacts application, highlight the contact you want to add
    • Press the Menu key
    • Select Add to Home Screen, then Add

Also from the email:

BlackBerry 6, the new BlackBerry operating system, is available on the BlackBerry Torch, BlackBerry Style, BlackBerry Bold 9780 and now the BlackBerry Bold 9650 and BlackBerry Curve 3G from Verizon Wireless. For a free download of BlackBerry 6 for your BlackBerry Bold 9650 and BlackBerry Curve 3G for Verizon Wireless, visit


How to Fix BlackBerry Messenger Contact Stuck As Pending

It’s happened to all of us at least once, especially when we get our first BlackBerry smartphone. You add a contact to BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and what happens? They’re stuck as pending and you don’t know why! This issue can lead to mini tantrums if not fixed as soon as possible. That’s why I decided to post about the recently published KB12319 on RIM’s support site which offers some help for this problem. Here are some of the causes of a “pending” contact:

  • Network delays
  • The BlackBerry messenger request is being sent via email and the acknowledgment was placed in the users SPAM/Junk mail folder.
  • There may be corruption in the BlackBerry Messenger installation or contacts list.
  • The PIN of the recipient or the sending BlackBerry smartphone is not active on the wireless network.
  • The incorrect PIN was used when sending the request.

If you’re experiencing this problem be sure to check out the full guide below with info on how to possibly fix and avoid future “pending” issues. Let me know if you found this helpful!

Cause 1

  • Network delays

Resolution 1

  1. Send a PIN message to the contact to verify the PIN delivery status. For instructions, see KB02913.
  2. Determine whether there is a delay with the PIN message delivery.
  3. If the PIN message was not sent successfully, verify the signal status and contact the wireless service provider if there is an issue with PIN message delivery.

Cause 2

  • The BlackBerry Messenger request is being sent via email and the acknowledgment was places in the users SPAM/Junk mail folder.

Resolution 2

  1. Log in to your email account
  2. Check the SPAM/Junk folder.
  3. If the acknowledgment is there, mark it is as not SPAM/Junk and wait for the BlackBerry® Internet Service to deliver the message to your device.

Cause 3

  • There may be corruption in the BlackBerry Messenger installation or contacts list.

Resolution 3

  1. Make sure that a backup has been made of the BlackBerry Messenger contacts. For instructions, see KB12487.
  2. Remove and reinstall BlackBerry Messenger using the Application Loader tool in BlackBerry® Desktop Manager. For instructions, see KB03621.


Clear the BlackBerry Messenger contacts list through the Backup and Restore tool in BlackBerry Desktop Manager. To perform this, complete the following steps:

    1. Open BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
    2. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer.
    3. Double-click on Backup & Restore.
    4. Click Advanced.
    5. In the right-hand pane, locate and select BlackBerry Messenger and click Clear.
    6. Add contacts back to BlackBerry Messenger and send another request to the desired BlackBerry smartphone user.

Cause 4

  • The PIN of the recipient or the sending BlackBerry smartphone is not active on the wireless network.

Resolution 4

  • Verify that both BlackBerry smartphone PINs are active on the wireless network.

Cause 5

  • The incorrect PIN was used when sending the request.

Resolution 5

  • Verify that the correct PIN is being used and then resend the request.


BlackBerry Bridge Problems Download - Try Resetting App World Or Installing With Browser Plugin

Early this morning I mentioned that BlackBerry Bridge was available for download through App World. A bunch of readers let me know they were having problems downloading it so if you are too, you’re not alone. I was having some trouble too but was able to download it after resetting App World. Here’s how to do that:

1. Open BlackBerry App World
2. While at the main screen hold ALT and type RST.
3. Wait for App World to close and then re-open it.
4. Once App World is open again, search for “BlackBerry Bridge”.
5. Click Download.

In the event that your App World still doesn’t give you the download option after resetting it, the other way to install BlackBerry Bridge is by using the browser plugin. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Download the App World plugin here.
  2. Go to the App World at through a desktop browser.
  3. Sign in using your BlackBerry ID.
  4. Search for “BlackBerry Bridge” and then click on Get Details.
  5. Click on Download.
  6. Follow instructions to sync the app using a USB cable.
If neither of these steps work for you hopefully RIM will post a dedicated page on their site with a direct download. If they did work or you have another workaround figured out, be sure to let me know in the comments and stay tuned for a video on BlackBerry Bridge!


How To Make BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) Video

BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) How To Video

Part One

Part Two

Part Three: Restoring Apps

For written instructions on how to wipe your BlackBerry using BBSAK, please read this thread.

Before you start to use this program you will need three things installed on your PC, in order for this program to work properly.
  1. Net Framework 2.0 or higher, you can download it here
  2. Desktop Manager (any version is fine)
  3. BBSAK program, you can download BBSak here


Download - BBSAK: BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife

JL_Cmder is a must have tool in practically every BlackBerry users arsenal. Jerry let me know about a new free alternative to JL_Cmdr called BBSAK (BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife). This tool developed by the team at RIMGeeks lets you perform some of the functions that are in JL_Cmdr. The main difference is that BBSAK has a prettier interface. The pretty interface is courtesy of .NET 2.0 so you need to have that framework installed.

From the BBSAK interface you can:

  • Wipe Blackberry leaving a 507 error
  • Reset Blackberry to factory state removing any IT Policy
  • Take Screenshots of your Blackberry.
  • Install COD Files
Its all pretty simple and the app is free at this link. The only catch being that you need to register at the RIMGeeks forum to download the app. A small price to pay but still its a bit tiresome.


Download - CrackUtil v1.0



CRACKUTIL IS A BIT MORE POWERFUL THAN JL_Cmder but has a nice friendly user interface. This makes it easy to use and easy to destroy your phone's Operating System. It also helps a great deal when recovering and maintaining Blackberrys.

I expect several revisions of this program over the next few months.

CrackUtil relies entirely on Javaloader.exe to provide its functons. Javaloader is a clever program but does not provide much in the way of error reporting. If something happens that it does not like or understand then it just stops. If Javaloader stops then so will CrackUtil. There is noting that I can do about this.

I have therefore tried to provide functions that do not break in normal use.

Please give me feedbak on what you think of this new tool as I am anxious to improve it as much and as quickly as possible.

As usual, PLEASE READ THE HELP TEXT before you try brain surgery on your BlackBerry.

What CrackUtil Is Designed To Do
CrackUtil is a free program designed to be a Swiss Army Knife tool for your BlackBerry phone.

CrackUtil has several functions. To use CrackUtil, you must first connect your BlackBerry phone to the PC via a USB cable. Do not run Desktop Manager at this time.
Since CrackUtil uses the RIM tool javaloader.exe all the actual javaloader commands issued by CrackUtil are shown at the end of the CrackUtil button selection description i.e. Command: javaloader –usb wipe -f

The first screen that displays will be the password screen and here you may put in your phine password should you have one. The password will be retained for the CrackUtil session in an unencrypted program variable. This is a minor security risk since the password may remain in the PC’s memory after you exit CrackUtil. If this is a concern then you should power off your PC at the end of the CrackUtil session.

To continue to CrackUtil, please enter your password and click OK. If you have no password then you may click either OK or Cancel. The CrackUtil opening screen will be displayed.


Here you may carry out various non-destructive tasks to your phone. The worst you can do here is to erase the log on your phone.

Notice that the current Operating System version is displayed in the bottom left of this panel.

The various functions here are

Set Device Time which simply sets the phone time to be that of the PC. Command: javaloader –usb settime

Take Screenshot which takes an instantaneous screenshot of you BlackBerry and then opens MS Paint so that yo may viw the image and then save it in whatever format is available in whichever folder you wish and the filename of your choice. Command: javaloader –usb screenshot BBScreenshot.bmp

Retrieve Event Log copies the phone’s Event Log to a text file on the PC. The Event Log is the same one that you see when you type Alt-LGLG on the keyboard. This Log is useful when debugging the phone. You may save this file wherever you wish. The file is initially stored in Program Files\CtrackUtil\EventLog.txt. Command: javaloader –usb eventlog

Clear Event Log simply erases the data in the Event Log on the phone. Command: javaloader –usb cleareventlog


Again the OS version is present and for good reason.

Retrieve File Listing will, after a short delay display all the OS files loaded onto the BlackBerry. Command: javaloader –usb dir

Filename, version (same as OS mostly) and size in Kb are displayed.

Remove File from Device will erase a file from your Blackberry. The file is not lost however. It is stored in Program Files\CrackUtil or Program Files (x86)\CrackUtil under Vista 64 bit. Care needs to be taken when using this function since CrackUtil will remove any file selected regardless of its name or need on the Blackberry. It is possible to completely brick your phone if you inadvertently remove the wrong file so please be careful when using this function. The phone will often reboot after a file remova operation. Command: javaloader –usb savefilename javaloader –usb erase -ffilename

Load File to Device will load a .cod or a .jar file to the phone. Loading files is NOT THE SAME as installing them via Desktop Manager. This function is included so as t allow experienced uses to manipulate their phones file system. Serious damage can result if files are loaded without careful consideration and prior knowledge of OS compatibility. This is one reason that the current Device OS version is displayed on this panel. Command: javaloader –usb loadfilename



A prompt is included on all the selections below and a continuation password must be correctly entered including case before the action will be carried out. Once the continuation password has been entered, the selected action is immediately actioned. All three functions have separate password that are clearly displayed above the data entry field.

Before attempting any of the command below you should first sync your BlackBerry and then do a Backup. This will safeguard your personal data.

Wipe Device Applications Will remove all data from your phone and will remove all applications as well. The phone will be set back to JVM Error 507 except for the IT Policy which will remain. Command: javaloader –usb wipe -a

Wipe Device File System immediately wipes or bricks your phone back to JVM Error 507 (No Operating System installed) except for the IT Policy which will remain. Command: javaloader –usb wipe -f

Reset IT Policy will reset the phone’s IT Policy to factory normal. Command: javaloader –usb resettofactory

BlackBerry Phones Supported
CrackUtil has only been tested on 8000 series phones to date. It may work on other models but you do so at your own risk.

Operating Systems Supported
CrackUtil has been tested on Microsoft Windows XP (Home and Professional), Microsoft Vista Home Premium and a version of Microsoft Vista 64 bit.

Microsoft Vista users (all versions) need to make a one time fix to the installation of CrackUtil and of javaloader.exe after installation and before use or the program will fail to copy files as it needs to.


Microsoft Vista is a very secure environment and for good reasons it objects to some of the things that CrackUtil does within the Program Files folder.

Under Microsoft Vista you need to take additional step is needed after installation on all versions.

Right click on the CrackUtil icon and scroll to Properties.

Select Properties and then on the next panel, select Compatability and then click Run this program as an administrator. This only need to be done once right after installation.

Note the check in the Run this program as an administrator box.

This only has to be done once.

This procedure needs to be repeated for the program javaloader.exe which resides in the C:\Program Files\CrackUtil folder with CrackUtil.

Here's the full fix for making work again under Windows 7.

I run Windows 7 x64 on all my PCs and I found that CrackUtil would not run after installation until I did the following.

- Install as normal.
- Open up the root folder of C:\ in Computer
- Open up a second window pointing to C:\Program Files x86.
- Drag (Move) the CrackUtil folder from Program FIles to C:\
- Open C:\CrackUtil and right click on javaloader.exe.
- Select Properties and then Compatability.
- Set to run as administrator
- Repeat this with CrackUtil.exe.

Download CrackUtil v1.0


Beware of BlackBerry SMS Virus (The ZeuS)

Research In Motion's BlackBerry OS is the OS that is highly reliable and secure and very difficult on the wear of the virus. Some degree, according to TrendMicro, has spread a new virus attack that target to BlackBerry SMS feature

The ZeuS malware specifically targeting the BlackBerry OS is currently detected as BBOS_ZITMO.B. Just like its desktop counterpart, this ZeuS variant does not display any graphical user interface (GUI) that can prompt users about the infection. Instead, it removes itself from the list of applications, in order to effectively stay under the radar.”

Once the ZeuS trojan has been successfully installed it sends a confirmation notice to the administrator that it is ready for more commands, as shown by the image above. BBOS_ZITMO.B also lets the admin change it’s forwarding number using SMS virus, in the event the original number were to get tracked and deleted.

Zeus Trojan SMS Virus
According to the analysis, Zeus Trojan virus can do:

  • Display SMS: Unmonitored SMS will be treated as a normal SMS and will be displayed on the phone.
  • Delete/Drop SMS: SMS from hacker will not be seen by the user.
  • Forward SMS: Send SMS to hacker without the user’s knowledge.
  • Block Calls
  • Remove Block Calls
  • Set Administrator: Register a new administrator.
  • On/Off
  • Add Sender
  • Remove Sender
  • Set Sender
  • Block/Unblock Phone Numbers
Although the virus has not spread widely, the possibility of Zeus Trojan to BlackBerry devices can still occur.

Protect Your BlackBerry from Viruses

There has been no explanation of how the virus can get into the BlackBerry Device possibility is that of crack downloads available online. To maintain the security of your BlackBerry Smartphones:
  1. Be careful if you download the leaked softwares or applications that are not authorized or that it is not clear from the web online / Download links are not clear. Do not Download the application with no apparent source, including free apps / crack Applications / unofficial apps are not officially from the source / developer.
  2. Download free anti-virus applications Lookout for BlackBerry


Download LookOut Anti Virus, BackUp, Locate Lost Device for BlackBerry

LookOut Security for BlackBerry for Recovery / Locate Lost Device, Backup and Anti-Virus

Softwares functions as antivirus, backup and find solutions for our device if lost.

According to RIM there are no viruses that can attack the BlackBerry as well as an antivirus application that can be installed to the BlackBerry because the file size is too large, including updating virus definitions.

But we do try to run a virus scan turned out to be scanned, stored in the server definitions. View screen capture

We did test the locate / search BlackBerry failed several times but eventually also successfully locate! And it turned out pretty accurate! Also, search results will be sent an email to your registered email. You also can make your BlackBerry Scream! Ring after the locate and delete also delete all data on your BlackBerry via login from the desktop.

If the backup feature does work, However you should be aware that your data will be backed up on the server My LookOut.

Although this application is still in Beta stage, quite useful for the detection of the BlackBerry you if lost!

More about LookOut for BlackBerry:

Run a virus scan on your system to quickly find malicious files.

Data Backup
Backup and access your pictures and contacts from any web browser. Restore them to a your device without any hassles.

Missing Device
Locate your device remotely from any web browser. Set off a siren to help you find a lost device. If your phone can’t be found, delete your data remotely.

Download Anti Virus Lookout Mobile Security for BlackBerry

After the download you need to register for free to use these applications. However the till when the locate service remains free devices has not been clarified because this application is still beta stage.


BlackBerry OS6 New Features

Features of OS6 BlackBerry Operating System Leaked

BBleaks leak the information about OS6 who will come later this year:

  • Graphical context menu in tables list and tabs. The long context menu has ended Unified search framework included in 3rd party app data Multiple contact list Message list enhancements (displaying pushed 3rd party app data)
  • Wifi lBS supports, reverse geo coding (geo to zip) travel time service within Canada and USA OS6 SDK in first half of 2010
  • Toolbox: trackpad support for swipe gestures. This should bring flick scrolling to track-pad devices. Will be system wide, even including apps.
  • Barcode 1D/2D scanning support Auto-Focus enhancements.
  • Camera lens and Auto-Focus are now separate.
  • Webkit browser integrated with tab browsing


BlackBerry OS6 Supported Devices

Type a BlackBerry that can use OS6 which will be released Q3 2010 (July-Sep)

We can BBLeaks about the types of information from the BlackBerry that could use OS6 / Blackberry os 6 at the moment is the release by RIM later this year.

This information is important for the longer plans to buy a BlackBerry and want to use the latest OS6.

OS 6 Ready BlackBerry Devices:

All new BlackBerry devices which will be released like a clamshell 9670, Slider Storm (9800?), and Storm3 will be released with OS 6.0.

Kepler's Atlas of 8980 and 9300 may still be released with OS 5.0.

Types of BlackBerry "old" already on the market that are ready to install OS6:

  • Bold 9650
  • Pearl 9100, 9105
  • Bold 9700
  • Storm2 9520, 9550

It is said that RIM's CEO announced that OS6 will release third quarter 2010 which began in July 2010 but no date specified.

Most likely an official OS 6.0 will be released along with the BlackBerry Handheld Slider (I think when OS 5.0 was released with 9700.)

So, if you plan to purchase or upgrade your BlackBerry handled, maybe you need to consider the type of BlackBerry that can support OS6 (OS6 ready / supported)


Simple Tips for Blackberry Battery Power Saving

There are many tips to make your Blackberry battery long Power  ON and long live battery.


    • Charge BlackBerry® smartphone as much as possible
    • Use wall chargers as the preferred charging method


    • Reduce volume
    • Use headphones
    • Load media using the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager (Avoids resizing)
    • Turn off equalizer settings (Media – Options)


    • Visit mobile sites where applicable
    • Turn Repeat Animations to a lower setting (Browser – Options – General Properties)
    • Close browser when finished using (close with ESC key, not red End key)


    • Reduce Backlight Timeout (Options – Screen/Keyboard)
    • Reduce Backlight Brightness (Options – Screen/Keyboard)
    • Holster smartphone (turns off LCD automatically)
    • Set Audible Roll to mute (Options – Screen/Keyboard)
    • Key Tone Off (Options – Screen/Keyboard)
    • Use a sleeve when storing the smartphone in a pocket

Network Connections

    • Turn off unused connections when not in use, i.e. GPS, Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth®
    • Use Auto On/Off
    • Use single mode only (1XEV, 2G only, 3G only)


    • Use shortcuts instead of activating Java® menus (Browser – Options – Browser Configuration)


    • Turn off flash (Camera – Options)
    • Set picture size to Small (Camera – Options)
    • Set Color Effect to Normal (Camera – Options)
    • Set Picture Quality to Normal (Camera – Options)


    • When exiting, be sure to close the app, not leave it running in the background (close with ESC key, not red End key)
    • Log out of third-party applications when they are not needed (Instant Messaging, etc.)


    • Set Audible notification to Off (Profiles)
    • Turn off coverage LED (Profiles)


    • Use the zoom out function to get the largest viewable area that you can still use usefully

