How To Make BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) Video

BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) How To Video

Part One

Part Two

Part Three: Restoring Apps

For written instructions on how to wipe your BlackBerry using BBSAK, please read this thread.

Before you start to use this program you will need three things installed on your PC, in order for this program to work properly.
  1. Net Framework 2.0 or higher, you can download it here
  2. Desktop Manager (any version is fine)
  3. BBSAK program, you can download BBSak here


Download - BBSAK: BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife

JL_Cmder is a must have tool in practically every BlackBerry users arsenal. Jerry let me know about a new free alternative to JL_Cmdr called BBSAK (BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife). This tool developed by the team at RIMGeeks lets you perform some of the functions that are in JL_Cmdr. The main difference is that BBSAK has a prettier interface. The pretty interface is courtesy of .NET 2.0 so you need to have that framework installed.

From the BBSAK interface you can:

  • Wipe Blackberry leaving a 507 error
  • Reset Blackberry to factory state removing any IT Policy
  • Take Screenshots of your Blackberry.
  • Install COD Files
Its all pretty simple and the app is free at this link. The only catch being that you need to register at the RIMGeeks forum to download the app. A small price to pay but still its a bit tiresome.


Download - CrackUtil v1.0



CRACKUTIL IS A BIT MORE POWERFUL THAN JL_Cmder but has a nice friendly user interface. This makes it easy to use and easy to destroy your phone's Operating System. It also helps a great deal when recovering and maintaining Blackberrys.

I expect several revisions of this program over the next few months.

CrackUtil relies entirely on Javaloader.exe to provide its functons. Javaloader is a clever program but does not provide much in the way of error reporting. If something happens that it does not like or understand then it just stops. If Javaloader stops then so will CrackUtil. There is noting that I can do about this.

I have therefore tried to provide functions that do not break in normal use.

Please give me feedbak on what you think of this new tool as I am anxious to improve it as much and as quickly as possible.

As usual, PLEASE READ THE HELP TEXT before you try brain surgery on your BlackBerry.

What CrackUtil Is Designed To Do
CrackUtil is a free program designed to be a Swiss Army Knife tool for your BlackBerry phone.

CrackUtil has several functions. To use CrackUtil, you must first connect your BlackBerry phone to the PC via a USB cable. Do not run Desktop Manager at this time.
Since CrackUtil uses the RIM tool javaloader.exe all the actual javaloader commands issued by CrackUtil are shown at the end of the CrackUtil button selection description i.e. Command: javaloader –usb wipe -f

The first screen that displays will be the password screen and here you may put in your phine password should you have one. The password will be retained for the CrackUtil session in an unencrypted program variable. This is a minor security risk since the password may remain in the PC’s memory after you exit CrackUtil. If this is a concern then you should power off your PC at the end of the CrackUtil session.

To continue to CrackUtil, please enter your password and click OK. If you have no password then you may click either OK or Cancel. The CrackUtil opening screen will be displayed.


Here you may carry out various non-destructive tasks to your phone. The worst you can do here is to erase the log on your phone.

Notice that the current Operating System version is displayed in the bottom left of this panel.

The various functions here are

Set Device Time which simply sets the phone time to be that of the PC. Command: javaloader –usb settime

Take Screenshot which takes an instantaneous screenshot of you BlackBerry and then opens MS Paint so that yo may viw the image and then save it in whatever format is available in whichever folder you wish and the filename of your choice. Command: javaloader –usb screenshot BBScreenshot.bmp

Retrieve Event Log copies the phone’s Event Log to a text file on the PC. The Event Log is the same one that you see when you type Alt-LGLG on the keyboard. This Log is useful when debugging the phone. You may save this file wherever you wish. The file is initially stored in Program Files\CtrackUtil\EventLog.txt. Command: javaloader –usb eventlog

Clear Event Log simply erases the data in the Event Log on the phone. Command: javaloader –usb cleareventlog


Again the OS version is present and for good reason.

Retrieve File Listing will, after a short delay display all the OS files loaded onto the BlackBerry. Command: javaloader –usb dir

Filename, version (same as OS mostly) and size in Kb are displayed.

Remove File from Device will erase a file from your Blackberry. The file is not lost however. It is stored in Program Files\CrackUtil or Program Files (x86)\CrackUtil under Vista 64 bit. Care needs to be taken when using this function since CrackUtil will remove any file selected regardless of its name or need on the Blackberry. It is possible to completely brick your phone if you inadvertently remove the wrong file so please be careful when using this function. The phone will often reboot after a file remova operation. Command: javaloader –usb savefilename javaloader –usb erase -ffilename

Load File to Device will load a .cod or a .jar file to the phone. Loading files is NOT THE SAME as installing them via Desktop Manager. This function is included so as t allow experienced uses to manipulate their phones file system. Serious damage can result if files are loaded without careful consideration and prior knowledge of OS compatibility. This is one reason that the current Device OS version is displayed on this panel. Command: javaloader –usb loadfilename



A prompt is included on all the selections below and a continuation password must be correctly entered including case before the action will be carried out. Once the continuation password has been entered, the selected action is immediately actioned. All three functions have separate password that are clearly displayed above the data entry field.

Before attempting any of the command below you should first sync your BlackBerry and then do a Backup. This will safeguard your personal data.

Wipe Device Applications Will remove all data from your phone and will remove all applications as well. The phone will be set back to JVM Error 507 except for the IT Policy which will remain. Command: javaloader –usb wipe -a

Wipe Device File System immediately wipes or bricks your phone back to JVM Error 507 (No Operating System installed) except for the IT Policy which will remain. Command: javaloader –usb wipe -f

Reset IT Policy will reset the phone’s IT Policy to factory normal. Command: javaloader –usb resettofactory

BlackBerry Phones Supported
CrackUtil has only been tested on 8000 series phones to date. It may work on other models but you do so at your own risk.

Operating Systems Supported
CrackUtil has been tested on Microsoft Windows XP (Home and Professional), Microsoft Vista Home Premium and a version of Microsoft Vista 64 bit.

Microsoft Vista users (all versions) need to make a one time fix to the installation of CrackUtil and of javaloader.exe after installation and before use or the program will fail to copy files as it needs to.


Microsoft Vista is a very secure environment and for good reasons it objects to some of the things that CrackUtil does within the Program Files folder.

Under Microsoft Vista you need to take additional step is needed after installation on all versions.

Right click on the CrackUtil icon and scroll to Properties.

Select Properties and then on the next panel, select Compatability and then click Run this program as an administrator. This only need to be done once right after installation.

Note the check in the Run this program as an administrator box.

This only has to be done once.

This procedure needs to be repeated for the program javaloader.exe which resides in the C:\Program Files\CrackUtil folder with CrackUtil.

Here's the full fix for making work again under Windows 7.

I run Windows 7 x64 on all my PCs and I found that CrackUtil would not run after installation until I did the following.

- Install as normal.
- Open up the root folder of C:\ in Computer
- Open up a second window pointing to C:\Program Files x86.
- Drag (Move) the CrackUtil folder from Program FIles to C:\
- Open C:\CrackUtil and right click on javaloader.exe.
- Select Properties and then Compatability.
- Set to run as administrator
- Repeat this with CrackUtil.exe.

Download CrackUtil v1.0
